Childbirth Prep: We will discuss: labor process, pain management, effacement, dilation, birth ball use, breathing, positions for labor, massage, counter pressure, epidurals, induction options for labor, and cesarean delivery. Taking care of mom after delivery and getting started with newborn. Offered in 4 Week Course or One Day Saturday Course
Tour of Via Christi New Life Center: We will show you where to go when you arrive for baby day, walk you through a labor and postpartum room, where the NICU and breastfeeding clinic are located, and answer any questions we can during this tour. Our goal is for you too feel prepared and comfortable delivering your precious baby here with us.
Breastfeeding Class: We will discuss how to breastfeed, milk coming in, good latch, bad latch, pump use, equipment available if the baby will not latch, supplementing newborn and how, and getting a pump prescription. We provide them community resources for follow up.
Car Seat Safety: Hands-on safety information for installation and use in the first years provided. Practice using and installing your car seat on a simulation seat with a Certified Car Seat Technician (CPST). According to the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) 2021 motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children ages 2-14. A 2016 OSUH study found 80% of car seats are installed incorrectly and for new parents 93% are misused.
Baby Care: We will discuss normal newborn appearances, bathing, diapering, clothing, feeding baby. Car seat overview, swaddling, and crying baby, Choking & CPR, safe Sleep environment and how to tell if my baby is sick.
Baby Whisper: Parents learn how a newborn transitions from living in the womb to life after birth, how to cope with newborn crying, how to recreate the sensations of the uterus, swaddling newborn, positions to comfort, safe white noise, appropriate motion, and establishing a routine at home. Reduces child abuse and postpartum depression.
Infant Massage: Three different body massages taught. Review the I love u and colic maneuver, lotions you can and cannot use. Reduces child abuse and postpartum depression.
Limber for Labor : We will work through stretching positions that facilitate your baby into position for labor and positive birth affirmations to prepare your mindset. You will receive handouts with 2 different circuits with 7-10 stretching positions to use throughout the weeks leading up to birth.
Introduction to Natural Family Planning: NFP is an umbrella term to describe the methods used to achieve or avoid pregnancy based on observations of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms to determine the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. This class is meant to be an informal, introductory session only, taught by Magen, our certified NFP RN.
I'm in Labor...Now What?: We will take you into a labor room and show you the many ways the room can be used to facilitate movement and the many options of equipment we have available to you for natural labor. We will have 2 instructors to provide additional ideas for your labor support people in comforting you. This class is only offered online and has a prerequisite of childbirth prep first.
Dad 2 Dad: This support group style class is for both first time expectant fathers. Veteran Dads are invited to bring their babies and help new Dads be prepared for the delivery, cope with changes that come with being a parent and support person, and surviving the crying baby.